Primary reasons for being a member of Turkishexporter.net:
One-to-one support for forming of your company pages

Company profiles, product definitions and image uploading are done by our foreign trade experienced staff for new companies registered to turkishexporter.net and user name with password are sent.

The advantage of this is:
  • Well defined company on e-trade websites generates positive search results inside the web site and search engines and increase sales in the future.
  • It does not occupy foreign trade staff that does not have any information about graphic and image editing and well designed aesthetic presentations show up.
  • It lightens workload of foreign trade department that has limited time to review leads.
  • Products and images are not only published with their names but also background search / related words label your company and products better.
Appropriate Software for Search Engines

The members of Turkishexporter.net are placed in search engines in a very short time. When it is considered that SME scaled companies do not have enough budget for international advertisement then the significance of your membership is understood clearly.

In summary of our membership;
  • Products are placed in search engines in a very short time.
  • Products present at the top of search engines with their products.
  • Companies will not be under pressure of ads of rival companies.
  • Value of brand and prestige increases.
  • Companies publish their products on internet.

If a registered company on Turkishexporter.Net defines 100 products then this company has total 10201 links.

These links are stored by search engines through bots visiting Turkishexporter.Net registered to the most important search engines and thus thousands of people from different countries reach you by product names.

Software solutions of Turkishexporter.Net place its customers on top of search engines by defining the best keywords for companies online stated as having billion pages.

KOBI A.S. conducting foreign trade developing activities for 13 years has reached renewal level of companies in second and third years in the ratio of 95% with KOBI Export Bulletins.

We feel desire to work with companies not just at the first year but for long years. To maintain this continuance our customers should be happy, namely they should make new export contacts via our website.

We hope that we will work together for long years with the decision you make today.

As we are told once by one of our 5 year member : “As long as you carry on, we will work with you. Please renew our membership and send the bill.”

It is the only company having millions of address and hundreds of thousands of leads/offers archive (data bank) and putting them into service of its customers among e-trade sites in Turkey.

You can reach to our Data Bank here: Data Bank

What is in Data Bank?
  • Daily Leads
  • Sectoral Leads
  • Urgent Leads
  • Market Researches
  • Lists of Countries-Importers-Addresses
  • List of Sectors-Importers
  • Turkish Companies Looking for Export
  • Government Supports for Exporters
  • Useful Information for Exporters
  • Various Necessary Information
  • Turks in the World
  • Important Company Profiles for Exporters
  • Reminders
  • Foreign Tenders
  • Foreign Financial and Legal Affairs
  • Panel Discussion-Symposium-Conference

KOBI A.S. usually works with companies having foreign trade department but also supports companies which have never exported or have made indirect export with their mailings and help them establish an export unit.

Moreover it makes companies to export by giving support for all processes like freight, customs operations.

Turkishexporter.Net does not allow foreign companies who have cheap and nasty products from Far East countries like China, India like xxy, xyz e-trade sites to make business with Turkish companies.

The customer being familiar with your brands does not lead to companies in the group mentioned above while searching for you.

One of the reasons for the establishment of Turkishexporter.Net is to provide direct export for its members by bringing importer/buyers with manufacturer – wholesaler and distributers directly.

>What is the Advantage of Direct Export?
  • They can sell higher prices.
  • They can have chance to holding prices.
  • Direct contact with importers causes long time trade.
  • Gives confidence to importers and increase sales force.